em·brace (ěm-brās') v. em·braced, em·brac·ing, em·brac·es v. tr. 1. To clasp or hold close with the arms, usually as an expression of affection. 2. To take up willingly or eagerly 3. To avail oneself of:
driv·en (drĭv'ən) v. Past participle of drive. adj. 1. Motivated by or having a compulsive quality or need: a driven person. 2. being under compulsion, as to succeed or excel:
I have two beautiful nieces and I'm so obsessed with making sure they look nice and have cute little outfits to wear. I think it's very important to make a child look ready and prepared for an outing. Here are some of my favorite places to shop for them... I wish I had these clothes when I was their age!
We were invited to Princess Emily's birthday party in her magical kingdom. I brought my niece Mozelle who dressed up as Snow White. The little girls were so adorable... and there was a surprise visit from Cinderella herself.
Hello. My name is Dora. This is my space for scribbles, for things that are pretty and inspire me. I love design and art, travel and cities, fashion and creativity!
I'm Athena and I love using fashion to reflect characters. Love vintage, love to laugh and never fully dressed without a smile. Love to get to know you! Muah!
We embrace fashion, art, music, vintage, photography, crafts and all the other good stuff.