em·brace (ěm-brās') v. em·braced, em·brac·ing, em·brac·es v. tr. 1. To clasp or hold close with the arms, usually as an expression of affection. 2. To take up willingly or eagerly 3. To avail oneself of:
driv·en (drĭv'ən) v. Past participle of drive. adj. 1. Motivated by or having a compulsive quality or need: a driven person. 2. being under compulsion, as to succeed or excel:
1. Full Name: Dora Danh
2. Nickname: The Explorer!
3. Favorite color: Green
4. Would you rather be a fish or a bird? Bird.I hate the water... and I've always wanted to fly!
5. Inspiration? Definitely the dresses from Sarah Seven. Love the shapes and colors...
6. Any children? Not yet... but I am a proud auntie.
7. Books you've read in the past month? I love Kristin Hannah... Amazing!
8. Favorite place to go? I miss Davis so much... I miss the quietness and its resemblance of London.
9. Obsession? It has to be shoes...
Hello. My name is Dora. This is my space for scribbles, for things that are pretty and inspire me. I love design and art, travel and cities, fashion and creativity!
I'm Athena and I love using fashion to reflect characters. Love vintage, love to laugh and never fully dressed without a smile. Love to get to know you! Muah!
We embrace fashion, art, music, vintage, photography, crafts and all the other good stuff.